B-and-IT Services


At B-and-IT mangement help you by providing professional manager in roles like;

  • (IT) Manager or CIO
  • Project & programme management
  • Contract & Vendor management
  • Transtion and organisation change management.
  • Information management

Sourcing life cycle

With these roles we can help your organisation improved or help you bridge a difficult period. We will provided onsite and hands on management. Together with consulting services we can help your with sourcing, reorganisation or simply filling a vacant position. Our team has a background in the IT and business side. This makes them the perfect team to help you with the business IT alligment and guiding sourcing deals.

We can help you create, manage and transition the perfect sourcing for you. Our team can also help you improve your organisation and speed up your time to business.

Our goal isn’t to say you must change; our goals is to find what is a best fit for you company

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